Fire. The creation that eventually led to mankind’s survival and eventual domination of the planet. The Spanish have a more, romantic name for it. Fuego. This is the Fuego box. Inside this little red package is mankind’s deliverance once again. Flavor and heat beyond imagination, destined to bring your poor, bland food some fire it deserves. They were kind enough to send me one to review, and am I ever so grateful they did. Fuego Box has varying subscriptions depending on what you want. There is Dip Your Toe In for $12.95 + $5 s/h. With this box you get a single hot sauce varying from mild to hot. There is also Sauce Lover which is three sauces from mild to hot for $29.95. The final subscription is Pain Seeker which gives you two sauces that are extra hot for just $24.99. The Sauce Lover and Pain Seeker both have quarterly option in which you prepay and get a discount.
When you first open get the box, right away it has a simple, yet classy design. It means business, but then again, so do you. When its opened, you can see it has three compartments, designed to hold your bottles safely during shipping. Aside from the bottles are things such as a logbook, for you to write your thoughts on each sauce you get, so that you can see your descent into madness when you look back in it. It also has some promotional items, including $5 free to utilize on their website, just in case you run out of your favorite.
We will start off the review with the log book. This is exclusive to the first box you receive. Think of it as your sauce survival booklet. You can chart the variations of flavor, the levels of heat, and just how likely you will be to hoard this liquid heaven for yourself. If she had looked in this book my wife would not have made the mistake of thoroughly dousing her fajita in the fiery sauce that lit her on fire that fateful day. Of course then she also would not have necessarily found a sauce that, while harmful to her delicate taste buds, would give her such pleasure and joy.
In addition to my booklet and sauces I received these fun little pepper sauce packets. There were four of them total and they did not pack much of a punch but they were extremely flavorful. These are the sauces I can start my kids on when they are ready for flavor central. Unfortunately at this point my oldest is not even two years old so I do not think she would appreciate the gift that is hot sauce just yet.
The first bottle I grabbed was the Spooky White by Frankie V’s Kitchen. Even based off the design alone, you know its gonna be a unique flavoring. A quick look at the ingredients list shows things like, habaneros and onion, with a bit of garlic, lemon juice, ginger powder, vinegar and more. The scent is strong, and you can definitely detect the lemon juice with the habanero. As for flavor? Well, even using the tiniest amount has a kick. You instantly get the flavor of the habaneros and the onions, and the white pepper. The lemon juice and mustard powder kick it up just a bit more, to keep the feel going for just a little more than you’d probably like, but you’ll definitely add more right then after.
The next sauce I pulled out was the Fuego Box exclusive, Born to Hula’s Guajillo Monster. It looks like a mean bugger, and the color is a deep dark red which is complimented by the black of the label. The back of it has a bit of lore on the Guajillo Monster, like the fact that besides eating spicy foods, sunbathing is the only reason they leave their homes. Sounds like my kinda monsters, if you ask me. The ingredients consist of red bell pepper, red habanero peppers, Guajillo Chile peppers and more. Opening it and smelling just makes your eyes water, and you haven’t even had it yet! You know for sure where this fires’ been, and I can tell you, the taste will make you qualified for the circus fire eater for sure. The combination of the smoked ghost chile powder, and all the habaneros PLUS the Guajillo chile makes for a spice sauce indeed. You can through this bad boy on fajitas, tacos, hot wings, soups, ect. Flavor and heat is the name of the game, and this sauce is the MVP. You’ll definitely have some tears, but their manly tears. Tears of joy and freedom, for the shackles have been lifted, and the fire has been restored to your taste buds.
The final bottle we have is the Zana Sauce. This is your everyday hot sauce, your “I want to take it up a notch, but don’t really want to sweat it out for the next 30 minutes” kinda thing. It’s a dark orange and has a simple design on the front. But don’t be fooled, it packs a punch. Full of cayenne, paprika, the ever so delightful habanero, carrots, and onions, it brings the pain, gracefully. The first whiff brings a single tear, and the scent of carrots and habanero. The first bite however brings gratefulness and satisfaction. It brings enough spice to make it interesting, but keeps the demons at bay just enough for you to enjoy the experience. Definitely good on things like burgers, or grilled chicken, even add it to other sauces and dressings for a bit of a kick.
The box is well worth the subscription, and I could not be happier that it exists. You want exotic, flavorful, fire of mankind heat in a bottle? Order a Fuego box. You’ll be burning up waiting for it. I mean it, click here now!