Neat Nutrition is a premium protein powder subscription, which offers plant-based and whey options. All of their powders are soy free, and contain no artificial flavors or colors.
If you subscribe to Neat Nutrition, you will first receive a starter pack for only £4.95 ($6.97). You will receive four single-serving protein sachets, as well as a shaker that you can use with every future delivery. Each subsequent month costs £20 ($25.75), and contains 12 single-serving protein sachets. You can choose to skip the starter pack and begin with the full-sized shipments if you’d prefer, but you will not receive the shaker.
These are the protein options Neat Nutrition offers for their full-sized box:
- 12 Vegan sachets, made from pea in hemp in vanilla, chocolate, or both
- 12 Whey sachets in vanilla, chocolate, or both
- 6 Vegan sachets, 6 Whey sachets in vanilla, chocolate, or both
The starter box follows the same lines, except you can receive 4 vegan or whey, or 2 of each. Today, I will be reviewing their starter box with 2 vegan and whey protein shakes, in chocolate and vanilla.
Neat Nutrition included a card with info on how to earn referral $$ for sharing Neat Nutrition with your friends! If somebody signs up with your code, they receive a $5 coupon, which is almost the cost of an entire starter box! You will also receive a $5 discount on your own subscription.
Everything was neatly packaged inside of the box; nothing arrived damaged.
Here is the shaker you will receive in your starter box! It can hold 12 oz of liquid, but you only need to add 10 oz with a single-serving shake. The measurements are marked on the side. There is also a little wire ball inside, to help ensure your drink is smooth.
The protein sachets were clearly marked “Vegan” and “Whey”, and it showed the flavor in the corner. I love that they are color coded; this allows you to easily grab what you want at a glance.
The Vegan sachets are sourced from crops in the British countryside. Neat Nutrition has devised a blend of pea and hemp protein, curated specifically for vegetarians and vegans, or people who suffer from food intolerances. The blend contains essential amino acids, including lysine. It is a great non-dairy alternative to whey protein! The vanilla and chocolate vegan protein contain 26 and 25 grams of protein, respectively.
The Whey sachets are sourced from grass-fed cows in the British countryside. They also contain high levels of essential amino acids, which contributes to the development and growth of lean muscle. This shake allows your muscle recovery to be quicker! If you aren’t vegan and don’t have any food intolerances, this might just be the shake for you! The vanilla and chocolate whey protein contain 22 and 21 grams of protein, respectively.
All of Neat Nutrition’s protein shakes are gluten free, soy free, and use natural flavors and sweeteners.
Let’s be real, protein shakes aren’t the best tasting thing in the world. However, these were surprisingly easy to drink. After some vigorous shaking, they were nice and smooth and the vanilla bean flavor was actually pretty nice! I didn’t really care for the taste of the chocolate shake, but I chugged it down anyway. I am trying to build some lean muscle, and I think the healthful qualities of the shake makes up for the taste.
The vegan powder was interesting; it isn’t as thick as the whey ones, and it had more of a grainy texture no matter how much I shook the bottle. However, I found that both flavors were preferable over the whey ones.
If you continue on to the monthly plan, you receive 12 protein sachets for $25. That comes up to about $2/serving – it’s more expensive than market price, but I think it’s reasonable for such high-quality protein. Remember, you can try out Neat Nutrition for yourself, for only $7!