Winc Review – April 2018

Winc is a personalized wine membership that sends you monthly boxes filled with bottles that fit your preferred taste. You can take a Palate Profile quiz prior to signing up, which gives the company a good idea of what wines you will love. It asks questions such as “Do You Like Citrus”, and “How Adventurous Are You?” After you finish signing up, Winc will give you four wine recommendations. You can add their recommendations to your box, or you can browse their entire selection if you don’t like what they suggested. You can order as few or as many bottles as you want, but you will receive free shipping if you add 4+ bottles to your box. If you add 12+, you will save 10%. Wines start at $13, and you will get your money back for any that you did not enjoy.

Today, I am reviewing my April Winc box. I filled out the flavor profile, and I added all four recommended wines to my box. They arrived in a large cardboard box, fitted in cardboard molds. Every bottle came in perfect condition.

The first thing I noticed upon opening my box was this Winc pamphlet. I thought it would contain information about my wines, but it was actually an A-Z dictionary of wine terms. I learned a lot flipping through it!

Here’s a peek at one of the pages:

Look at how gorgeous these wines are!

2016 Funk Zone White Blend – Worth $21.99, Cost $17.00

This is a medium bodied white wine from Santa Barbera, California. Funk Zone has notes of elderflower, lime zest, and peach, and it has a mouth-puckering citrus pop. Elderflower is one of my favorite flavors in drinks (I single handedly bought the entire stock of Elderflower sparkling water at my local World Market), so I LOVED this. It is crisp, refreshing, and just a little floral.

2017 Outer Sounds Sauvignon Blanc – Worth $17.99, Cost $14.00

My other white whine is all the way from Marlborough, New Zealand! The Outer Sounds Sauvignon Blanc is a light wine that has notes of guava, grapefruit and lemon. This is the most exotic wine I have ever tasted. Guava was the strongest note, and this actually tasted a bit like a tropical cocktail. I love this so much, and I want to always have some on hand because the taste reminds me of all my travels in Central America.

Chop Shop Cabernet Sauvignon – Worth $17.99, Cost $14.00

Now on to the reds! This Cabernet Sauvignon from Chop Shop is a full bodied, complex wine that pairs well with burgers. This is not a wine I can casually sip while watching Netflix, because it feels a little like drinking jet fuel. It tastes rich and spicy at first, but is overwhelming at the tail. I like it much better when eating with beef. This definitely isn’t my favorite red, but I didn’t hate it.

Also, how stinking cute is the cleaver on the cork?!

Rosa Obscura Red Blend – Worth $16.99, Cost $13.00

The final wine I received in my box was Rosa Obscura, which is a blend of Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot. It has a rich and full body, as well as juicy notes of cherry, strawberry, cocoa, and violet. I liked this wine much better than the Chop Shop Cabernet, and the cherry and chocolate notes really stood out to me. I love sweeter wines, so this was a wonderful experience.

I really loved my first Winc box! Three of the wines were right up my alley, and I am so glad to have discovered them. I didn’t love the Chop Shop Cabernet Sauvignon, but keep in mind Winc will refund any wines you are not satisfied with. I think Winc did a pretty good job recommending wines based on the results of my palette profile. Plus, the Winc prices actually shaved $16.96 off the retail value of all the wines. So, you definitely get your money’s worth with Winc. This was so much fun, and I can’t wait to see what they recommend next time!

Our score: 9.6/ 10

I think Winc is a great way to try out high quality wines while also saving money. I loved this box, and my only suggestion for improvement is to include information about each wine inside the box. It is available online, but I also would have loved a hard copy to look through.

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery8
  • Value for money10
  • Selection of products10

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