Try a new cloth diaper every month with a Kelly’s Closet Fluff Fairy Diaper Package. Every month, the “Fluff Fairy” assembles one cloth diaper or cover/insert combo and 1-3 samples or a ccessories to be included in each Kelly’s Closet Fluff Fairy Diaper Package.
The samples and accessories of every Kelly’s Closet Fluff Fairy Diaper Package will vary but will be a complete diaper system you can use without buying extra pieces. Samples and accessories in your Kelly’s Closet Fluff Fairy Diaper Package can range from detergent samples and wipes to lotion or cloth diaper advocacy gear.
Order your Kelly’s Closet Fluff Fairy Diaper Package every month to see what cloth diaper products the Fluff Fairy delivers to your door!
Please note that the price of each package will vary depending on the price of the diaper and accessories included.