Receive a monthly spice box of 3-4 hand-picked, small batch, freshly ground spice blends delivered to your door with the RawSpiceBar Spice of the Month Club. Each RawSpiceBar monthly spice box contains 1-3 ounces of 3 different spice blends, to create dishes you otherwise wouldn’t have tried.
RawSpiceBar Spice of the Month Club spices are whole toasted, freshly ground and blend just a few days before shipment. Monthly RawSpiceBar boxes includes enough freshly ground spice blend to create a dish serving 8-12, along with kitchen-tested recipes to prepare with your monthly spice blends.
Start your spice journey with the freshest spices from around the world with a monthly RawSpiceBar Spice of the Monthly Club spice box.
1, 3, and 12 month RawSpiceBar Spice of the Month Club subscriptions and gift subscriptions are available.