Happy Boxing Day! Loot Crate is celebrating by giving new Loot Crate subscribers a chance on new Loot Crate subscriptions. For a limited time, save $5 off Loot Crate 1 month subscriptions when you use Loot Crate coupon code BOX5 at checkout.
For an even better deal, use code BOX5 to save $5 off 3+ month Loot Crate subscriptions PLUS get a FREE month of Loot Crate Level Up! After you sign-up, for 3 months or more of Loot Crate, you’ll receive a redemption code for a free month of Loot Crate Level Up.
Loot Crate delivers a themed geek and gamer subscription box every month. Loot Crate recently announced that every crate will include a geek t-shirt. The Loot Crate January 2016 theme is Invasion!
Join Loot Crate today to save $5 off Loot Crate subscriptions and reserve your January Invasion Loot Crate! Use code BOX5 to save.
Offer expires 12AM, January 1, 2016.